
Beyond the Blog: Why WordPress Rocks for Web Apps…

WordPress has become synonymous with blogging platforms, and for good reason. It’s user-friendly, powerful, and boasts a massive community. But what if I told you WordPress could be your secret weapon for building web apps as well?

Sure, complex applications might require a custom-coded approach. But for a surprising number of web app ideas, WordPress can be a fantastic foundation. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Effective Champion: WordPress is open-source, meaning it’s free to use. Plus, there are tons of free plugins that extend its functionality. You can build a solid app base without breaking the bank.
  • The Plugin Powerhouse: Speaking of plugins, they’re game-changers. Need user accounts? Membership features? E-commerce functionality? There’s likely a plugin for that. Plugins let you add complex features without writing a single line of code.
  • Content King (and Queen): Great web apps often involve rich content. WordPress excels at content management, allowing you to easily create, edit, and publish text, images, videos, and more. This makes it perfect for apps that rely on user-generated content or informative articles.
  • The No-Code Crowd: If you’re not a coding whiz, WordPress is your friend. The intuitive interface and drag-and-drop features let you build and customize your app without needing extensive programming knowledge.
  • Future-Proof Flexibility: WordPress is constantly evolving, with a massive developer community churning out updates and new features. This ensures your app stays secure and can adapt to changing needs over time.
  • Easy on the Eyes: Let’s not forget design. WordPress offers a vast array of themes that let you create beautiful and user-friendly app interfaces. There’s a theme out there to match almost any style or functionality.

Is WordPress Right for Your App?

Here are some signs that WordPress might be a perfect fit for your web app:

  • It’s data-driven, but not super complex.
  • User management and content creation are core features.
  • A user-friendly interface is crucial.
  • You want to launch quickly and cost-effectively.

So, next time you have a web app idea, don’t dismiss WordPress! With its flexibility, affordability, and vast ecosystem, it could be the perfect platform to turn your vision into reality.

close up photography of yellow green red and brown plastic cones on white lined surface

Level Up: Gamifying Knowledge Management

Let’s face it, traditional knowledge management systems can feel…well, dry. You’re expected to sift through mountains of documents and procedures, hoping to find the nugget of information you need. But what if learning and sharing knowledge could be fun and engaging? Enter gamification!

Gamification 101

Gamification is the art of using game-like elements in non-game contexts. Think points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges. By incorporating these elements into your knowledge management system, you can transform a chore into an engaging experience.

Why Gamify Knowledge Management?

Here are just a few reasons why gamification is a game-changer (pun intended!):

  • Boosts Engagement: Let’s be honest, people are wired to respond to challenges and rewards. Gamification taps into that intrinsic motivation, making knowledge sharing and acquisition more enjoyable.
  • Encourages Collaboration: Friendly competition through leader boards can spark healthy competition, motivating teams to work together and share their expertise.
  • Recognizes Achievements: Badges and awards publicly acknowledge valuable contributions, fostering a sense of accomplishment and encouraging continued participation.

Getting Started with Gamification

Ready to unleash the power of gamification? Here are some tips:

  • Identify Your Goals: What knowledge or behaviors do you want to encourage? Focus your gamification efforts on those specific areas.
  • Choose the Right Elements: Don’t overwhelm users with a points blizzard. Start with a few well-chosen elements like points, badges, or progress bars.
  • Make it Fun!: Keep the challenges engaging and the rewards enticing. Tailor them to your audience’s interests.
  • It’s All About Balance: Gamification shouldn’t overshadow the actual knowledge. Ensure the learning experience remains valuable.

Remember, gamification is a tool, not a magic trick. It should be used strategically to complement your existing knowledge management efforts. But when done right, it can transform the way your team learns and shares information, turning knowledge management into a rewarding adventure!

customers users color wheel

Supercharge Your WordPress Users: Custom User Roles

Want to fine-tune access control on your WordPress site? Default user roles (Admin, Editor) might be too broad. Custom user roles grant specific permissions, boosting security and streamlining workflows.

Why Custom User Roles?

  • Enhanced Security: Users only get the access they need, reducing risk.
  • Optimized Workflows: Tailor roles to specific tasks for efficient collaboration.
  • Scalability: Adapt to your growing team by creating new, specialized roles.

Creating Custom User Roles

There are two main methods:

  1. Plugins (Recommended): User-friendly plugins like User Role Editor or Members let you create and manage custom roles with a visual interface – no coding required!
  2. Code (For Developers): For those comfortable with PHP, WordPress functions like add_role() allow for granular control over custom user roles via code.

Choosing the Right Approach

For most, plugins are the way to go. They’re user-friendly and require no coding knowledge. If you crave ultimate control or have specific coding needs, the manual approach might be better.

Tips for Success

  • Leverage Defaults: Build on existing roles (Admin, Editor) and create custom roles for specific needs.
  • Least Privilege: Assign only the minimum permissions each user needs.
  • Document Everything: Document capabilities for each role to avoid confusion and streamline onboarding.

By implementing custom user roles, you can empower your WordPress users and optimize your website’s workflow. Choose the approach that suits you best and unlock the full potential of your user management system.

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Why That Little Padlock Matters: Understanding SSL Certificates

Have you ever noticed the little green padlock in your browser’s address bar when visiting certain websites? This padlock signifies more than just good looks – it’s a badge of honor representing a secure connection thanks to an SSL certificate. But what exactly is an SSL certificate, and why should you, as an internet user, care?

Think of an SSL certificate as a digital passport for your website. It verifies the website’s identity and ensures that any information you send or receive, like passwords or credit card details, is encrypted and scrambled, making it unreadable to prying eyes. It’s like sending a secret message with a special code that only the intended recipient can decipher.

Here’s why SSL certificates are essential:

  1. Security Matters: In today’s digital world, data breaches are all too common. Hackers are constantly looking for ways to intercept sensitive information, and an unencrypted website is an easy target. An SSL certificate acts as a shield, protecting your data from falling into the wrong hands.
  2. Building Trust: Imagine walking into a store with boarded-up windows and a shady-looking character at the door. Not exactly confidence-inspiring, right? Similarly, websites without SSL certificates raise red flags for users. The padlock symbol, on the other hand, instills trust and assures visitors that their information is safe.
  3. SEO Boost: Search engines like Google reward secure websites with higher rankings in search results. So, having an SSL certificate not only protects your users but also helps your website stand out in the online crowd.
  4. Future-Proofing: SSL certificates are no longer optional; they’re becoming the standard for any website that wants to be taken seriously. By securing your website now, you’re future-proofing your online presence and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Remember: Just like you wouldn’t send a postcard with your credit card number written on it, don’t share sensitive information on websites without the green padlock. Look for the symbol, ask questions, and prioritize your online security.

Bonus Tip: Different types of SSL certificates offer varying levels of validation and security. For websites handling sensitive data like financial transactions, a higher-level certificate is recommended.

So, the next time you see the green padlock, remember, it’s not just a decoration; it’s a symbol of a secure and trustworthy online experience.

Why the bncert-tool Tool is Great for Configuring HTTPS…

The bncert-tool tool is a great way to configure HTTPS on Bitnami stacks. It is a simple, easy-to-use tool that can be used to generate and install Let’s Encrypt certificates, configure automatic renewals, and redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.

Here are some of the benefits of using the bncert-tool tool:

  • It is simple and easy to use. Even if you are not familiar with command-line tools, you can use the bncert-tool tool to configure HTTPS on your Bitnami stack.
  • It is efficient. The bncert-tool tool can generate and install Let’s Encrypt certificates quickly and easily.
  • It is secure. The bncert-tool tool uses Let’s Encrypt certificates, which are considered to be the most secure certificates available.
  • It is reliable. The bncert-tool tool can automatically renew your certificates, so you don’t have to worry about them expiring.
  • It is flexible. The bncert-tool tool can be used to configure a variety of settings, such as the domain name, the type of certificate, and the automatic renewal period.

If you are looking for a simple, easy-to-use, and secure way to configure HTTPS on your Bitnami stack, then the bncert-tool tool is a great option.

Here are some additional benefits of using the bncert-tool tool:

  • It can be used to configure HTTPS on a variety of Bitnami stacks, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento.
  • It can be used to configure both HTTP and HTTPS redirections.
  • It can be used to configure automatic certificate renewals.
  • It is supported by the Bitnami community, so you can get help if you need it.

If you are looking for a reliable and secure way to configure HTTPS on your Bitnami stack, then the bncert-tool tool is a great option.

What is TechSoup?

TechSoup is a nonprofit organization that provides technology resources to nonprofits and libraries around the world. They offer a variety of services, including:

  • Donated software and hardware: TechSoup partners with technology companies to provide free or discounted software and hardware to nonprofits. This includes popular software like Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and Intuit QuickBooks.
  • Training and resources: TechSoup offers a variety of training and resources to help nonprofits use technology effectively. This includes webinars, online courses, and a library of articles and guides.
  • Networking opportunities: TechSoup provides opportunities for nonprofits to connect with each other and share best practices. This includes online forums, in-person events, and a mentorship program.

TechSoup is a valuable resource for nonprofits of all sizes. They offer a wide range of services that can help nonprofits improve their efficiency, reach more people, and achieve their goals.

How does TechSoup work?

TechSoup works by connecting nonprofits with technology companies that have donated software and hardware. Nonprofits can apply for these donations through TechSoup’s website. Once a nonprofit’s application is approved, they will be able to download or purchase the donated software or hardware at a discounted price.

TechSoup also offers a variety of training and resources to help nonprofits use technology effectively. These resources are available online and in-person.

How much does TechSoup cost?

It is free to join TechSoup. However, there is an administrative fee for each donation request that is processed. The fee covers the cost to administer the donation program.

How can I learn more about TechSoup?

To learn more about TechSoup, you can visit their website at www.techsoup.org. You can also sign up for their newsletter to stay up-to-date on their latest news and resources.

DocuSign for Nonprofits: How to Get It for Free

DocuSign is a cloud-based e-signature and transaction management software that can help nonprofits streamline their workflows and save time and money. However, DocuSign can be expensive, especially for small nonprofits.

Fortunately, there is a way for nonprofits to get DocuSign for free through TechSoup. TechSoup is a nonprofit organization that provides technology products and services to nonprofits at discounted prices.

To get DocuSign for free through TechSoup, your nonprofit must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered 501(c)(3) organization in the United States
  • Have an annual budget of $1 million or less

Once you have met the eligibility criteria, you can follow these steps to get DocuSign for free through TechSoup:

  1. Go to the TechSoup website and create an account.
  2. Search for DocuSign in the TechSoup catalog.
  3. Click on the “Request” button to start the application process.
  4. Provide the requested information, including your nonprofit’s EIN and budget.
  5. Pay the TechSoup administrative fee.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a DocuSign subscription for free.

If you are a nonprofit that is looking for a way to streamline your workflows and save time and money, DocuSign is a great option. And with the help of TechSoup, you can get DocuSign for free.

Additional Information:

Use Google Tag Manager with Analytics

There are two different ways you can include Google Analytics tracking code in your website. The first is the easiest and most straight-forward. Google Analytics gives you a block of code to insert into the heading of your website. If you include it in your theme or template, it will be included on every page and work great.

The Cons

The drawback to doing it this way is that it becomes difficult to manage or adjust. Big deal, right? Once you set your Analytics code in place how often does it really change? Well, in a situation like the one we’re in right now (Switch to Google Analytics GA4 before July 2023), it can be a little difficult. Especially if you wan to run multiple instances of analytics simultaneously.

The Solution

The solution is to instead use Google Tag Manager. Instead of injecting the analytics code directly into your website, you insert a container. That container can then have multiple tags included from a third party interface. That allows you to have multiple tags. Google Analytics UA and GA4 instances are just the beginning of the tags you can include in your Tag Manager container. Additional tags could be everything from a Facebook verification code to a timer tracking how often paid search visitors spend more than 5 minutes on your landing page. The possibilities are truly endless!

The next time you need to change or set up Analytics, take a minute to learn what Google Tag Manager can do for you.

Upgrade PHP on Amazon Lightsail

PHP is a programming language that stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. I know, I know. How can an acronym stand for itself? It just does. PHP is the backbone of WordPress sites.

There are many reasons to keep the PHP version of your website up to date.

  1. First and foremost is cybersecurity. Each new version of PHP has patches for previously discovered vulnerabilities. Keeping your site on the latest revision means you get all of the security patches.
  2. New versions of PHP also tend to boast better performance. That means your website will load faster and be better for users.
  3. There are also new features that come with PHP or may be relied on by new features of WordPress. Keeping everything current ensures you can take advantage of these when they are released.

Unfortunately, unlike some other hosts, there is no single button you can click to upgrade PHP versions on Amazon Lightsail. I upgrade all of my servers annually. There is not often a major release of PHP and even when one comes out, it is not immediately available in Lightsail. Checking and performing the upgrade once per year is about the right cadence for me.

To do so you must:

  1. Log in to the current site and perform a backup using Updrafts Plus plugin
  2. Spin up a new instance of a WordPress Binami server
  3. Log in using the default user password and install and connect Updrafts Plus backups
  4. Restore the latest backup
  5. Move the static IP associated with the live site to the new server
  6. Perform a bncert-tool upgrade and generate a new certificate

It’s not quite as convenient as a single button press, but there are other upgrades that come with the latest and greatest server configurations for WordPress utilizing Bitnami in Amazon Lightsail. So it is a good annual maintenance activity to keep your sites fast, secure, and user friendly.

ChatGPT: The end of blogging as we know it

ChatGPT has been in the news a lot lately. Everyone is at least vaguely aware that it’s some sort of artificially intelligent chat bot. But I didn’t fully grasp the ramifications until I took the time to play with the tool myself. You can check it out too at https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/.

You will need to create a user account, but that is free. And then you can see some examples of prompts that it can respond to. Have a conversation and marvel at the fluidity. Ask it questions and get answers back promptly and completely.

The major criticism (and rightfully so) is that it is so fast and authoritative on subjects that people tend to believe it – even when it’s wrong. It’s also using information scrapped from the internet to build its knowledge. There was a time that Google Translate was a free online tool that could be used to translate websites in real time. Until they realized that most of the translated content out there was translated by them, and a feedback loop occurred resulting in poorer quality. They eventually put a very small fee to use the API and knocked most users off as a result to try to preserve the bank of human generated content to pull from. What happens to ChatGPT when the internet it pulls from was also written by AI?

Want to know why I think it will have a big impact? Because, secretly, I didn’t write my last blog: Registering your nonprofit with PayPal. Instead, I went to ChatGPT and said, “Write me a blog about registering a nonprofit with PayPal” and the body of that blog was its immediately response. Nobody noticed. And I really had no notes of how to improve it after the fact.

Now that’s scary.